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How to specify the saga steps.

import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import { Construct } from 'constructs'
import { QueryHandler } from '@declanprice/projector/cdk'

export class CommandStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CommandStackProps) {
super(scope, id, props)

const stepOne = new CommandHandler(this, StepOneHandler, {
entry: 'src/saga/success-steps.ts',

const stepTwo = new CommandHandler(this, StepTwoHandler, {
entry: 'src/saga/success-steps.ts',

const stepThree = new CommandHandler(this, StepThreeHandler, {
entry: 'src/saga/success-steps.ts',

const errorStepOne = new CommandHandler(this, ErrorStepOneHandler, {
entry: 'src/saga/error-steps.ts',

const errorStepTwo = new CommandHandler(this, ErrorStepTwoHandler, {
entry: 'src/saga/error-steps.ts',

const sagaDefinition = new SagaDefinition(this, 'SagaDefinition')

sagaDefinition.step('StepOne', {
invoke: stepOne,
compensate: errorStepOne,

sagaDefinition.step('StepTwo', {
invoke: stepTwo,
compensate: errorStepTwo,

sagaDefinition.step('StepThree', {
invoke: stepThree,

new Saga(this, 'SagaHandler', {
startBy: registerCustomer,
definitionBody: sagaDefinition.create(),